Earth and Geosciences Surveys
Eco & Partner is one of the consulting firms that are specialized in applied Earth Sciences including Geology, Geophysics and Hydrogeology, offering its services to governments, water and power utilities, mining companies and the oil and gas sector from exploration and feasibility through to development and optimisation to restoration and after use.
We are committed to providing critical advice and practical solutions for the sustainable management of mineral resources in an increasingly decarbonising-circular economy.
Since every project has its unique challenges, we strive to advise our clients appropriately at every stage of the project to unlock their potential value during operation.
We possess the equipment necessary to conduct such investigations and our expertise enables clients to significantly reduce on costs of exploring subsurface soils over large areas because of the relatively short duration of geophysical fieldwork which does not require trenching.
We do possess expertise in a broad spectrum of data types and modelling technology to generate and deliver meaningful, client-driven models for decision making in exploration targeting and geotechnical hazard assessment. We have deep expertise in managing complex modelling projects focused on supporting business decisions.
We have extensive experience in groundwater resources assessment, oil and gas industry and complex geological surveys preceding the construction of civil infrastructures such as dams, tunnels, water conveyors, as well as for raw material extraction and quarries establishment.
We do offer the following technical services:
- Delineation of depth to bedrock, subsurface stratigraphy and structures.
- Ground water monitoring.
- Underground utility, Archaeological features and Cavity detection.
- Groundwater supply projects.
- Hydrogeological studies including ground water modelling.
- Salt Water Intrusion Assessment.
- Aquifer Vulnerability Study.
- Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) System Assessment.
- Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modelling.
- Regional and detailed geological mapping.
- Formation evaluation and petro-physical analysis.
- Qualitative and quantitative sub-surface raw material resources. assessment through 3D spatial analysis for volume and surface estimation.
- Shallow Seismic Investigation.
- Resistivity and Electromagnetic survey.
- Gravimetric and Microgravity Surveys.
- Ground Penetrating Radar.
- Cross-hole Seismic, Electric and Radar Tomography.
- Open and Cased Hole Geophysical Logging.

Environment & Biodiversity
- Impact Assessment (IA)
- Acoustics (Noise and Vibration Assessment)
- Air Quality Assessment and Modelling
- Earth and Geosciences Surveys
- Ecology and Biodiversity technical support
- Environment and Social Compliance Technical Support
- Environment and Social Management Plans
- Environment, Health and Safety Legal Register Services
- Environmental and Social Monitoring
- Environmental and social permitting
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Lender Compliance Due Diligence and Gap Analysis Technical Assistance
- Remediation and Restoration
- Waste Management Technical Support
- Water Resources Management
- Climate Change and Sustainability
Do you need any of our services ?
P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda