Environment and Social Management Plans
Environment and Social Management Plans (ESMP’s) are management tools used to assist in the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures during the Environmental Social Impact Assessment, in order to fulfill the project permitting requirements.
The purpose of the Environment and Social Management Plan’s is to consider and develop adequate measures and controls to minimize and mitigate the potential environmental and social risks and impacts identified, during the project implementation.
The Environment and Social Management Plan’s specify the mitigation, adaptation, prevention and management measures to which the Proponent is committed and show how the Project will mobilize organizational capacity and resources in order to implement the stipulated measures. These management plan’s also show how mitigation and management measures will be scheduled.
At Eco & Partner Consult Limited, our dedicated team of professionals will help you develop an Environment and Social Management Plan’s while relying on key principles like Compliance with local, national and international laws; Transparency and inclusivity; Gender equality; and tracking of environmental and social risks; Harmonization with other projects/programs; and Climate resilience.
We offer the following technical services
- Water management plan.
- Environmental Monitoring Plans.
- Dust and Emissions Management
- Marine works management plan.
- Biodiversity management plan.
- Ecosystem services management plan.
- Influx management plan.
- Health management plan.
- Traffic/Transport Management Plan.
- Hazardous Chemical Management Plan
- Community health, safety, and security management plan.
- Labor working conditions and employment management plan.
Environment & Biodiversity
- Impact Assessment (IA)
- Acoustics (Noise and Vibration Assessment)
- Air Quality Assessment and Modelling
- Earth and Geosciences Surveys
- Ecology and Biodiversity technical support
- Environment and Social Compliance Technical Support
- Environment and Social Management Plans
- Environment, Health and Safety Legal Register Services
- Environmental and Social Monitoring
- Environmental and social permitting
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Lender Compliance Due Diligence and Gap Analysis Technical Assistance
- Remediation and Restoration
- Waste Management Technical Support
- Water Resources Management
- Climate Change and Sustainability
Do you need any of our services ?
P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda