
Impact Assessment

At Eco & Partner Consult, we understand that an Impact Assessment is much more than just a technical document. It leads to the development of often legally binding commitments based on and enshrined in the management plan. These are living documents that develop over the life of the project and often independently monitored. In this way, it is a developer’s assessment of a project and key element of corporate social responsibility ultimately, of a company’s license to operate.

Eco & Partner has extensive experience in the design and production of Impact Assessments and Management Plans for both international, local and international projects such as in the oil and gas sector, mining, hydroelectric, agriculture and tourism, manufacturing, transport, ICT, forestry, industrial development and urban planning, among others. 

We offer an integrated approach that covers all aspects of the projects including biodiversity assessment and offsets, human rights and health issues, critical habitat and ecosystem assessments including stakeholder engagement, among others

We offer the following technical services:

    • Project feasibility and option assessment, siting, routing and planning;
    • Impact Assessment
    • Design-phase impact and risk mitigation support;
    • Baseline data collection/ Resource-specific studies, field surveys and modelling;
    • Technical assistance on Regulatory permitting and approvals;
    • World Bank, Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards compliance Technical support;
    • Stakeholder / public engagement design and implementation;
    • GIS, imagery analysis, and digital data management; and
    • Financial option analysis/assessments.
    • Assistance on Expert witness during Public Hearing Development of Information, Education and Communication materials for Public Disclosure and Public-hearings for the Environmental & Social Impact Statements Environmental and Social Policy Development
    • Post Environment and Social monitoring and compliance technical support

Environment & Biodiversity

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    Plot No.16A Ntinda II Road,
    P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda
    +256 319291830