
Quantitative HSE Risk Assessment (QRA)

Risk-based decision making is the foundation of almost all public health and environmental protection programs globally. Eco & Partner helps client develop sustainable, cost-effective risk management strategies to mitigate future liabilities through a robust understanding of human and ecological risks associated with hazardous substances.

The potential for adverse human and Environmental impacts due to exposure to hazardous substances (chemical, biological, or radiological) and the evaluation of these potential impacts and risks, whether qualitative or quantitative, can present significant challenges to organizations. Understanding the risk is important for rational and cost-effective decision-making. QRA has been proven as a valuable management tool in assessing the overall safety performance of any facility manufacturing, storing or handling hazardous materials. The potential for toxic and/or flammable materials to be accidently released into atmosphere exists at many industrial facilities. Loss of containment (LOC) events can occur very suddenly and unexpectedly, putting employees and offsite population at a risk of injury or death, and the surrounding environment at risk of significant damage or contamination.

A QRA is a formal and systematic approach to estimating the likelihood and consequences of hazardous LOC events, and expressing the results quantitatively as risk to people, the environment or your business. It is a tool for demonstration of risk levels, required for approval of a Major Accident Hazard (MAH) Facility. It is also required during major plant modifications and to changes in manning levels.

At Eco and Partner Consult Limited we conduct QRA that could help organization’s identify major risk contributing scenario which could then be utilized for decision-making. And focusing on these will help a facility meet acceptability criteria and demonstrate that risks are as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

We analyze potential LOC scenarios for their consequences and frequencies (using historical databases, facility experience and parts count methodology). Based on consequences, frequencies and other conditional factors (such as manning levels, vulnerabilities, etc.), we estimate Location Specific Individual Risk, Individual Risk Per Annum, Potential Loss of Life and Societal risk. Identifying major risk contributors, we assess preventative and mitigation measures.

We have large technical and scientific experienced teams to be able to conduct any kind of QRA for:

  • Emergency Planning (Onsite and Offsite)
  • Occupied Building Risk Assessment (OBRA/ BRA
  • Smoke and Gas Ingress Assessment (SGIA)
  • Temporary Refuge Impairment Assessment (TRIA)
  • Emergency Escape and Rescue Analysis (EERA)
  • Emergency System Survivability Assessment (ESSA)
  • Toxicology and toxicity assessment
  • Human health risk assessment (HHRA)
  • Ecological risk assessment (ERA)
  • Environmental fate and transport modelling
  • Litigation support and expert witness
  • Hazard assessment and Risk communication


Health & Safety & Environment

  • Process Safety Evaluations, Siting and Management
  • Industrial Hygiene Monitoring, Assessments and Management
  • Compliance and Management Systems Design and Implementation Support
  • EHS Training Program Development and Delivery Support
  • EHS Audit Program Development, Management, Implementation and Third-party Evaluations
  • Outsourcing Support for EHS Compliance and Management Programs
  • EHS Management Information Systems Design, Implementation and Support
  • Merger and Acquisition Support, Asset/Transaction Due Diligence

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    Plot No.16A Ntinda II Road,
    P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda
    +256 319291830