Socio Economic Surveys
Socio-economic survey tools are designed to collect information as a means of improving understanding of local resource management systems, resource use and the relative importance of resources for households and villages.
Eco & Partner carries out community surveys relevant to the socio-economic baseline as part of the wider social assessment. These surveys cover population, gender analysis, demographics, households, economy and livelihoods, land and property, land use, social infrastructure and services, community safety, security, and welfare, occupational health and safety, health and educational conditions, cultural aspects, and other local social aspects, so that the local socio-economic characteristics can be assessed. The planning of the survey samples takes into consideration the need for equal representation from male and female respondents, including those who may be marginalized due to their ethnicity, national origin, age, occupation, religious affiliation, among others. The planning of the surveys always considers community resources accessed by both male and female household members.
We help our clients carry out socio-economic survey and census of affected persons and households. Our approach is in bench-marked on the IFC and World Bank ESS 5 standards to determine the socio-economic baseline conditions of the Project affected people prior to project establishment. Through our network of social experts with diverse language skills, we are able to integrate and streamline a broad set of offerings, providing our clients with efficiencies and strategic approaches.
Socio-economic survey tools provide a means of improving understanding of local resource management systems, resource use and the relative importance of resources for households and villages. They can also be used to elicit insights on interaction with government decision-making systems, community perceptions of trends and priority issues, and community-based institutions and their role in the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources. Use of such tools is an important first step in engaging local communities and ensuring that local voices are heard and that the community relationship with resources, land rights and access are incorporated into the project design.
We design surveys, train in conducting the surveys and our field-based practitioners are able to conduct socio-economic surveys of households and villages. We use an integrated approach employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. We undertake household surveys, key informant interviews, focus group discussions including community mapping. We also deploy powerful mobile data collection tools such as Survey CTO and ODK.
We also help our clients with data analysis of socioeconomic data through application advanced analytics to understand key trends, diagnose the root cause, identify correlations and hence derive effective insights from the data. We have a competent team of data analysts with ability to identify spurious data. We manage your data and unlock the full potential of your information with advanced statistical techniques, data analytics, surveys and models employing statistical software such as STATA, R, and SPSS. Our team of data managers work closely with subject matter experts to make sense of the data and translate it into actionable insights.
We use a combination of tools to build dynamic visuals to help tell the data story effectively for stakeholders and different audiences. We use infographics and digital presentations to engage with regulators and community stakeholders more effectively. This helps to safeguard and strengthen stakeholder relations.
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P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda