How to Use Video Formats for Animated Content (Plus Why Bother)

Including animated content on your website can be a fantastic way to keep visitors engaged. However, large GIF files can slow down your site and negatively impact the user experience. So, you might be wondering how to use video formats for animated content in WordPress.

40+ Video Marketing Statistics That Will Show You the Way in 2023

Video continues to dominate the digital landscape, and it’s been like that for a couple of years now. From social media to blog and email campaigns, video is a powerful tool for engaging audiences and driving conversions. In this post, we’ll explore a multitude of video marketing statistics that highlight its potential and offer insights into how you can make the most of this dynamic medium.

HTML vs JavaScript: What’s the Difference? Beginner’s Guide

There is no shortage of languages to develop software and websites. HTML vs JavaScript is a common comparison because both offer easy to understand syntax, and have accessibility for beginner coders. In this post, we’ll look at HTML vs JavaScript in relation to their pros and cons, where and how you’ll use each language during development, and much more.

Climate Change and Sustainability


Climate Change and Sustainability

Eco & Partner Consult works with clients to accelerate their climate and sustainability journey by ensuring that they safeguard their assets and the public from the detrimental effects of climate change while building sustainable operations for a sustainable world.

Climate change and variability pose a great threat to the environment and the socio-economic sectors and is agreed to be a global challenge of the 21st century. It threatens equitable and sustainable development initiatives. The negative impacts suggest the need to adapt to reduce the vulnerability of projects/companies or people and environment to climate change impacts.

Adaptation to climate change and sustainable development have become core elements of international, national policies and strategies. Our research lies in promotion of sustainable development by managing the impacts of climate change.

There is a pressing need  at all levels to support climate change mitigation and minimise the severity of future climate impacts. At the same time, the need to support countries and communities to take steps to build resilience, support adaptation action, and strengthen capacity for effective disaster risk management is critical.

We provide a broad range of consultancy services from adaptation planning and resilience building, to mitigation and low carbon development. Our climate and sustainability team also helps clients turn net zero commitments into action and seize new opportunities to build competitive advantage.

We have expertise in engaging on climate issues from the international policy level to the regional, national and community levels.

Our approach to delivering action on climate and environment always emphasises the importance of balancing considerations of climate and environment, with development needs and growth. Our priority is to minimise risks and trade-offs and identify opportunities.

Technical services we offer include:

  • Design and implementation of nature-based climate change solutions
  • Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA)
  • Climate change hazard and risk assessment
  • Greenhouse-gas assessment and emission reduction planning
  • Climate change Impact Assessment
  • Developing Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans

Environment & Biodiversity

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    Plot No.16A Ntinda II Road,
    P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda
    +256 319291830