Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Compared with the Environmental Impact and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), SEA provides recommendations at a strategic level and allows a better control over interactions or cumulative effects.
In Uganda, the National Development Plan III (2020/21 – 2024/25) provides the national development planning framework that forms the basis for the development of sector-wide strategies and plans. Sector wide strategies and plans should ideally be informed by SEA; however, until the National Environment Act, 2019, SEA in Uganda was largely voluntary and limited to the requirements of development partners.
Eco & Partner assess the government’s policy/program, identifying the stakeholders that are critical to engage, while building trust through proactive sustained and meaningful communication and engagement that both informs stakeholders and seeks to involve them in the process.
We work to assist Government bodies and Agencies to understand and mitigate risks by maximizing stakeholders’ involvement in the process and optimizing their input by developing robust strategies to involve and inform them early and often carry that effort through to completion.
We offer technical assistance for the following services:
Strategic initiatives and coalition management, include policy making engagement.
Strategic communications counsel
Tactical Planning and Implementation
Stakeholder identification, outreach and involvement
Research (non-technical risk assessment)

HSE Management Compliance
- Impact Assessment (IA)
- Acoustics (Noise and Vibration Assessment)
- Air Quality Assessment and Modelling
- Earth and Geosciences Surveys
- Ecology and Biodiversity technical support
- Environment and Social Compliance Technical Support
- Environment and Social Management Plans
- Environment, Health and Safety Legal Register Services
- Environmental and Social Monitoring
- Environmental and social permitting
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Lender Compliance Due Diligence and Gap Analysis Technical Assistance
- Remediation and Restoration
- Waste Management Technical Support
- Water Resources Management
- Climate Change and Sustainability
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admin January 13, 2023