Environmental and Social Monitoring


Environmental and Social Monitoring

Environmental and Social monitoring is used in the preparation of environmental impact assessments, as well as in many circumstances in which human activities carry a risk of harmful effects on the natural environment during their implementation.

There is increasing demand for organizations to manage and minimize the impact their operations have on the environment and the community, either to ensure compliance with laws and regulations or to mitigate risks of harmful effects on the natural environment and protect the health of human beings.

Eco & Partner offers services in various types of environmental and social monitoring, preparation and supervision of monitoring programs, reporting to authorities and investigations related to polluting operations and projects subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

We do work hand in hand with clients and regulators to determine exactly what needs to be monitored and the best means of doing so before commencing monitoring activities.

Our experts have the know-how to design and perform complex sampling and measurement operations and install monitoring systems to meet national and international standards.

We also do provide follow-up consultation on impacts after project implementation is concluded and various types of environmental investigations, measurements and research.

We have the requisite tools, instruments and measuring equipment necessary to carry out various monitoring requirements and our team of professionals have a broad knowledge and experience in environmental monitoring, environmental investigations, research, analysis and interpretations of data.


We offer the following technical services:

  • Noise and Vibrations Monitoring
  • Socio-economic surveys
  • Occupational Health and Safety gas/chemical Exposure
  • Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
  • Odour monitoring
  • Meteorological data collection
  • Leak detection
  • Point source pollution monitoring
  • Greenhouse Gas Assessment
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Ground water monitoring
  • Static Water Level monitoring
  • Effluent discharge quality monitoring
  • Ecological Monitoring.

Environment & Biodiversity

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    Plot No.16A Ntinda II Road,
    P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda
    +256 319291830

      Impact Assessment (IA)


      Impact Assessment

      At Eco & Partner Consult, we understand that an Impact Assessment is much more than just a technical document. It leads to the development of often legally binding commitments based on and enshrined in the management plan. These are living documents that develop over the life of the project and often independently monitored. In this way, it is a developer’s assessment of a project and key element of corporate social responsibility ultimately, of a company’s license to operate.

      Eco & Partner has extensive experience in the design and production of Impact Assessments and Management Plans for both international, local and international projects such as in the oil and gas sector, mining, hydroelectric, agriculture and tourism, manufacturing, transport, ICT, forestry, industrial development and urban planning, among others. 

      We offer an integrated approach that covers all aspects of the projects including biodiversity assessment and offsets, human rights and health issues, critical habitat and ecosystem assessments including stakeholder engagement, among others

      We offer the following technical services:

        • Project feasibility and option assessment, siting, routing and planning;
        • Impact Assessment
        • Design-phase impact and risk mitigation support;
        • Baseline data collection/ Resource-specific studies, field surveys and modelling;
        • Technical assistance on Regulatory permitting and approvals;
        • World Bank, Equator Principles and IFC Performance Standards compliance Technical support;
        • Stakeholder / public engagement design and implementation;
        • GIS, imagery analysis, and digital data management; and
        • Financial option analysis/assessments.
        • Assistance on Expert witness during Public Hearing Development of Information, Education and Communication materials for Public Disclosure and Public-hearings for the Environmental & Social Impact Statements Environmental and Social Policy Development
        • Post Environment and Social monitoring and compliance technical support

      Do you need any of our services ?


        Plot No.16A Ntinda II Road,
        P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda
        +256 319291830

          Earth and Geosciences Surveys


          Earth and Geosciences Surveys

          Eco & Partner is one of the consulting firms that are specialized in applied Earth Sciences including Geology, Geophysics and Hydrogeology, offering its services to governments, water and power utilities, mining companies and the oil and gas sector from exploration and feasibility through to development and optimisation to restoration and after use.

          We are committed to providing critical advice and practical solutions for the sustainable management of mineral resources in an increasingly decarbonising-circular economy.

          Since every project has its unique challenges, we strive to advise our clients appropriately at every stage of the project to unlock their potential value during operation.

          We possess the equipment necessary to conduct such investigations and our expertise enables clients to significantly reduce on costs of exploring subsurface soils over large areas because of the relatively short duration of geophysical fieldwork which does not require trenching.

          We do possess expertise in a broad spectrum of data types and modelling technology to generate and deliver meaningful, client-driven models for decision making in exploration targeting and geotechnical hazard assessment. We have deep expertise in managing complex modelling projects focused on supporting business decisions.

          We have extensive experience in groundwater resources assessment, oil and gas industry and complex geological surveys preceding the construction of civil infrastructures such as dams, tunnels, water conveyors, as well as for raw material extraction and quarries establishment.

          We do offer the following technical services:

          • Delineation of depth to bedrock, subsurface stratigraphy and structures.
          • Ground water monitoring.
          • Underground utility, Archaeological features and Cavity detection.
          • Groundwater supply projects.
          • Hydrogeological studies including ground water modelling.
          • Salt Water Intrusion Assessment.
          • Aquifer Vulnerability Study.
          • Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) System Assessment.
          • Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modelling.
          • Regional and detailed geological mapping.
          • Formation evaluation and petro-physical analysis.
          • Qualitative and quantitative sub-surface raw material resources. assessment through 3D spatial analysis for volume and surface estimation.
          • Shallow Seismic Investigation.
          • Resistivity and Electromagnetic survey.
          • Gravimetric and Microgravity Surveys.
          • Ground Penetrating Radar.
          • Cross-hole Seismic, Electric and Radar Tomography.
          • Open and Cased Hole Geophysical Logging.


          Do you need any of our services ?


            Plot No.16A Ntinda II Road,
            P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda
            +256 319291830

              Environment, Health and Safety Legal Register Services


              Environment, Health and Safety Legal Register Services

              Legislation governing Health Safety and Environment (HSE) is evolving rapidly due to the increased societal expectations from businesses. It can be difficult to keep up with all of these new Laws, Regulations and Standards but failure to comply can affect workers’ safety, your reputation, operating costs, and even your ability to conduct business.

              Developing and updating HSE Legal Register is aimed at supporting organizations to meet all of the compliance requirements within current laws and regulations.

              Eco & Partner services endeavor to move beyond traditional compliance and corrective programs so that Businesses are able maximize the return on their investments in safety, safeguard lives, protect assets and strengthen reputation.

              We enable companies to have both a broad and granular understanding of both the legal and reputational risks in the jurisdictions a company operates or has ambitions to operate in and this is done by addressing the challenges outside their knowledge base and comfort zone.

              We have expertise in managing human rights issues relevant to land rights and resettlement, labour and working conditions (including worker safety), indigenous people, security, community rights and supply chain impacts.

              We combine an intimate understanding of emerging international and national requirements with practical on ground experience to support clients in understanding and fulfilling their responsibilities. This helps protect access to capital, develop and maintain a social license to operate and ensure regulatory compliance.

              We offer technical assistance through the following services:

              • Identify and determine the environment, health and safety, social compliance obligations and status relevant to the business.
              • Translate the relevant legislation and supporting guidance documents into operational plans.
              • Document how and why the compliance obligations apply to their business.
              • Record and retain documented information as evidence of compliance evaluation and any identified risks and opportunities associated with its compliance obligations.
              • Link compliance obligations to relevant environmental, health and safety aspects and objectives for continuous improvement.
              • Assess organizational compliance status.

              Do you need any of our services ?


                Plot No.16A Ntinda II Road,
                P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda
                +256 319291830

                  Environment and Social Management Plans


                  Environment and Social Management Plans

                  Environment and Social Management Plans (ESMP’s) are management tools used to assist in the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures during the Environmental Social Impact Assessment, in order to fulfill the project permitting requirements.

                  The purpose of the Environment and Social Management Plan’s is to consider and develop adequate measures and controls to minimize and mitigate the potential environmental and social risks and impacts identified, during the project implementation.

                  The Environment and Social Management Plan’s specify the mitigation, adaptation, prevention and management measures to which the Proponent is committed and show how the Project will mobilize organizational capacity and resources in order to implement the stipulated measures. These management plan’s also show how mitigation and management measures will be scheduled.

                  At Eco & Partner Consult Limited, our dedicated team of professionals will help you develop an Environment and Social Management Plan’s while relying on key principles like Compliance with local, national and international laws; Transparency and inclusivity; Gender equality; and tracking of environmental and social risks; Harmonization with other projects/programs; and Climate resilience.

                  We offer the following technical services

                  • Water management plan.
                  • Environmental Monitoring Plans.
                  • Dust and Emissions Management
                  • Marine works management plan.
                  • Biodiversity management plan.
                  • Ecosystem services management plan.
                  • Influx management plan.
                  • Health management plan.
                  • Traffic/Transport Management Plan.
                  • Hazardous Chemical Management Plan
                  • Community health, safety, and security management plan.
                  • Labor working conditions and employment management plan.

                  Do you need any of our services ?


                    Plot No.16A Ntinda II Road,
                    P.O. Box 23989, Kampala, Uganda
                    +256 319291830